Laura Bridges, LCSW, MPH, behavioral health officer Emotional Intelligence: What is it and why is it important? This month’s theme of emotional well-being is a perfectly timed topic given these […]
Wellness as a Way of Life: Recipe of the month
By Dori Best, LPC Recipe of the month: Coconut Chocolate Bonbons This recipe is chock full of coconut ingredients, along with a little dark chocolate, almonds, and apple. Sharing healthy […]
Wellness as a Way of Life: The wellness wheel and you – emotional well-being
By Michelle Wilson, wellness program manager The wellness wheel and you: emotional well-being Last month we shared ideas on taking care of our physical well-being. This month, as we move […]
Wellness as a Way of Life: The health benefits of tomatoes and a great summer recipe
By Matt Hogge, DNP-FNP, medical director of the Wellness Center The health benefits of tomatoes and a great summer recipe Tomatoes are abundant in the summer, and they offer health […]
Wellness as a Way of Life: Exercise excuses and how to overcome them
Justin Adams, MD, chief medical officer Exercise excuses and how to overcome them “When did you become an athlete?” my mom asked. I was 26 years old at the time, […]