Мишель Уилсон, менеджер оздоровительной программы
Creating a sanctuary as a place for self-care
When life brings us challenges, as it inevitably does, it is important that we have places and routines to keep us healthy and centered. This year has brought all of us challenges on many levels, some of which we are facing as a community and some that we must each face individually. One way to take care of ourselves is to create a place in our home where we feel peaceful and safe. This space can become a sanctuary for us where we are able to clear our minds and relax, even when life feels difficult.
To create a space of sanctuary in your home, ask yourself these questions:
- Where in my home do I feel most at peace?
- What spot in my home has a view of something pretty or calming?
- Is there a place in my home where I can find some privacy from others, or where I can place a few objects to support anyone who is in that part of our home to feel more relaxed?
- Do I have a few objects that I enjoy seeing each day or that bring me a sense of calm and peace, such as candles, vases with flowers, or special decorative items?
Once you have chosen a spot in your home, even if it is only a small space, think about what you can do to make it feel like a sanctuary. Can you clear away anything that makes the space feel cluttered? Can you add a pillow for sitting, a small blanket to add a nurturing feeling, or another item that represents calm and well-being for you?
Take some time to create your sanctuary and enjoy the process. You may want to set something up so you can listen to music in your spot, or you may want to set up a candle or essential oils to give the space a relaxing smell. You may want to add a small book or two with quotes, poems, or other types of inspirational writing that you can read when you sit down. Consider adding something fresh and alive, such as a plant or a vase of flowers that you can change out regularly.
Whatever you choose to do, remember that this space is a place where you can go when you want to clear your mind, emotions, and body from stress and challenges. This is your space to create and enjoy. You may also choose to find or create a space outside in nature. The natural world offers us many forms of beauty to provide us with a sense of healing and peace.
Кончик: Choose a few favorite colors, smells, and textures (such as soft cotton or warm blankets) and be sure to add these to your sanctuary. Spend a little time there each day for a sense of well-being, no matter what may be happening in the world around you.