General information: 541-535-6239
Medical and lab appointments: 541-618-1300
Dental appointments: 541-512-3900
Insurance assistance: 541-535-6239
Referrals: 541-494-4750
Billing questions: 1-800-972-8401
Medical records fax: 541-494-1789
Medical records phone: 541-494-4850
During regular clinic hours our support staff is available by phone. Staff will communicate patient concerns and questions to healthcare providers, and providers will get back to patients at their earliest opportunity. After hours and on weekends and holidays, on-call providers will assist patients with their needs.
Do you have a story to share about your interaction with our staff? We’d love to hear it. Please send us a message. (Note: For inquiries of your doctor, nurse practitioner, or dentist or questions about specific appointments, please call us at 541-535-6239 and we’ll get you connected. This email address is not monitored continuously.)