4940 Hamrick Road
Central Point, OR 97502
Make an appointment
Make a medical appointment: 541-618-1300
After-hours nurse: 541-535-6239
Central Point care team: 541-690-3600
Make a dental appointment: 541-512-3900
Temporary medical hours
MON-FRI, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Temporary lab hours
MON – FRI, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Dental hours
MON and WED, 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; TUE, THUR, FRI, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Important service and schedule changes are linked at the top of the page in emergency situations.
Watch the short video below to see how La Clinica’s new team-based approach to care helps Central Point Health Center serve you faster.
- Medical
- Family planning
- Children’s health
- Immunizations
- Family medicine
- Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses
- Adult physicals, including annual well-women exams
- Chronic disease care
- Pain case management
- Minor surgical services
- Mental health counseling and drug and alcohol referrals
- Health assessments and patient education
- Referral to specialty care
- 24-hour on-call services
- Laboratory services
- Dental
Medical staff
Family Medicine Doctor
Elizabeth Banowetz, MD
Family Nurse Practitioner
Deborah Silbowitz, FNP
Physician Assistant
Dan Stein
Dental staff
Rachel Schultz, DMD
Rosaura Reyes, RDH
Ashley Stephens, RDH