La Clinica provides laboratory services at all of our health centers for patients who have seen La Clinica providers or who have been referred by La Clinica providers to other providers.
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La Clinica uses an outside company to process lab results. Patients will receive a separate bill for that service. The cost of lab tests varies by test. Patients who qualify for sliding-scale fees at La Clinica also will qualify for sliding-scale fees from the lab-test processor.
To prepare for a lab test
- Drink plenty of water starting the night before your anticipated test.
- Continue to take prescribed medications as directed by your provider.
- Do not urinate before coming in for a blood test; frequently a urine sample is also needed.
- Fast only if directed to do so by your provider. If your test requires fasting, do not eat eight hours before the test (do drink plenty of water to stay hydrated). You may have one cup of black coffee or tea (no cream or sugar added).